
Dad’s report card for his daughter with autism goes viral

She'd come home from school in tears
Shane Jackson Twitter

A Tassie dad has gone viral after creating his own report card when his little girl came home from school in tears. 


Shane Jackson’s daughter Sophie, who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), was distraught after receiving straight Ds in her school report card

‘I’ve let everyone down,’ she cried to her dad.

Wanting to dry his daughter’s tears, Shane decided to write a report card of his own, praising Sophie for all of the things she’s good at.

He wrote, My daughter who has ASD received straights Ds on her report today. She cried and said “I’ve let everyone down” this is my report card for her.


After sharing his report card on his Twitter page, the post was liked 67,000 times and 1,700 people commented.

Most people were impressed with Shane’s good parenting, including a teacher who praised Shane’s approach.


One enthusiastic Twitter user even gave Shane Jackson a certificate for his achievement as a great dad.

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